Listed are resources where you can learn more about dysphagia and organizations that cater to people with swallowing disorders.
If you know of a resource, be it a website, blog, or other source of information that would be helpful and of interest to others dealing with dysphagia, please send us an email so we can list that resource and help spread the word.
ASHA - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association -
NFOSD - National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders -
IDDSI - International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative -
Cerebral Palsy Group -
SimplyHolahan - Reflections on swallowing disorders, IDDSI, thickeners and rheology
Dysphagia Ramblings -
Speech@NYU - Caring for Aging Adults with Dysphagia
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Social Media
SimplyThickJohn - SimplyThick inventor John Holahan posts SimplyThick mixing videos, IDDSI lessons, and food demonstrations.